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How to create an effective Google Panda and Penguin approachable SEO Strategy to promote your website

Promote your website unceremoniously with Google Panda and Penguin Algorithms For those who deal with SEO marketing strategy and blogging , Google Panda and Google Penguin should not be something new issue to them. Ever since the inception of these updates, there has been strong buzz on how to develop the perfect Search Engine Optimization plan, so that websites have their dues in online rankings. Before moving forward into Google Penguin and Panda, it’s important to know that each is a segment of Google's Search Algorithm. This algorithm is a mathematical formula which involves up to 200 variables that determines the rank of each website in Google Search Engine Result Page. The algorithm takes into account of an ample of factors that some SEO have no control over. One important thing that people should know about the algorithm is its super-secret. Google will only reveal about its bits and pieces but will not give you the entire formula. It’s as secret as the formula locked